The “Queer Nest” campaign is a result of collaboration between the Ljubljana Pride Association from Slovenia, the Associazione Quore APS from Italy, and the Obra Gay Associação from Portugal, as part of the KA2 Erasmus+ 2022-2023 project: Addressing LGBTIQ+ youth homelesness and housing.

Its main objectives are to raise awareness about housing exclusion and homelessness among LGBTIQ+ youth and to provide information about available support mechanisms. The campaign’s target groups include young LGBTIQ+ individuals experiencing homelessness and/or housing exclusion, those at risk of homelessness and/or housing exclusion, and professionals working with young LGBTIQ+ people.

The visual identity was designed by Ljubljana Pride Association, allowing free use of the graphics within the campaign with attribution.

The visuals vividly depict the challenges faced by young LGBTIQ+ individuals in situations of housing exclusion and/or homelessness, encouraging reflection on discrimination and the need for change.

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